Jay Lemke Quote

Human communities are ecosystems. Ecosystems are biological, chemical and physical systems. The physics, chemistry and biology of complex self-organizing systems can tell us much that is useful about human communities: about the conditions necessary for the existence of human communities, about the properties human communities 'inherit' because they are special cases of more general kinds of systems, particularly ecosystems.

p. 159 - Textual politics: Discourse and social dynamics, 1995

Human communities are ecosystems. Ecosystems are biological, chemical and physical systems. The physics, chemistry and biology of complex...

Human communities are ecosystems. Ecosystems are biological, chemical and physical systems. The physics, chemistry and biology of complex...

Human communities are ecosystems. Ecosystems are biological, chemical and physical systems. The physics, chemistry and biology of complex...

Human communities are ecosystems. Ecosystems are biological, chemical and physical systems. The physics, chemistry and biology of complex...