Jane Jacobs Quote

Cities are the mothers of economic development, not because people are smarter in cities, but because of the conditions of density. There is a concentration of need in cities, and a greater incentive to address problems in ways that haven't been addressed before. This is the essence of economic development. Without it, we'd all be poor.

The Los Angeles Times (26 April 2006)

Cities are the mothers of economic development, not because people are smarter in cities, but because of the conditions of density. There is a...

Cities are the mothers of economic development, not because people are smarter in cities, but because of the conditions of density. There is a...

Cities are the mothers of economic development, not because people are smarter in cities, but because of the conditions of density. There is a...

Cities are the mothers of economic development, not because people are smarter in cities, but because of the conditions of density. There is a...