Jan Tinbergen Quote

The shaping or reformulation of the aims of economic policy which are only vaguely felt may be exemplified in the aim of social justice.

Jan Tinbergen (1964) Economic policy: principles and design. (1964). p. 22; Quoted in: Paul Schenderling. The Size and Transmission of Fiscal Spillovers: an Empirical Characterisation. (2012) p. 6

The shaping or reformulation of the aims of economic policy which are only vaguely felt may be exemplified in the aim of social justice.

The shaping or reformulation of the aims of economic policy which are only vaguely felt may be exemplified in the aim of social justice.

The shaping or reformulation of the aims of economic policy which are only vaguely felt may be exemplified in the aim of social justice.

The shaping or reformulation of the aims of economic policy which are only vaguely felt may be exemplified in the aim of social justice.