The main result reached by the new theory was that the classical mechanics can be made to account for the whole range of spectral phenomena, provided entirely new meanings are given to such symbols as p and q which had hitherto been taken to describe the position and motion of the electron.... The most significant of the new properties is that the product pq is no longer the same as the product qp - in other words the order in which the two factors are multiplied together is no longer a matter of indifference. The difference between pq and qp is found to be always the same, being Plank's constant h multiplied by a numerical multiplier.

Physics and Philosophy (1942)

The main result reached by the new theory was that the classical mechanics can be made to account for the whole range of spectral phenomena, provided ...

The main result reached by the new theory was that the classical mechanics can be made to account for the whole range of spectral phenomena, provided ...

The main result reached by the new theory was that the classical mechanics can be made to account for the whole range of spectral phenomena, provided ...

The main result reached by the new theory was that the classical mechanics can be made to account for the whole range of spectral phenomena, provided ...