James Hutton (Moravian) Quote

In Thy light shall we see light... afterwards we have a light indeed for our poor being, if it be true that we thus know Him: but that must be truth; otherwise one, after many good appearances, is liable to be carried away, at one time or another, by various winds of doctrine, deluded by some spirit of error, or overpowered afresh by one's former natural corruptions...

Memoirs of James Hutton (1856)

In Thy light shall we see light... afterwards we have a light indeed for our poor being, if it be true that we thus know Him: but that must be truth; ...

In Thy light shall we see light... afterwards we have a light indeed for our poor being, if it be true that we thus know Him: but that must be truth; ...

In Thy light shall we see light... afterwards we have a light indeed for our poor being, if it be true that we thus know Him: but that must be truth; ...

In Thy light shall we see light... afterwards we have a light indeed for our poor being, if it be true that we thus know Him: but that must be truth; ...