Those who have studied mathematics much, and no other science, are apt to grow so fond of them, as to believe that there is no certainty in any other science, nor any other axioms than those of Euclid.

Edinburgh Review, Volume 52, January 1836 (p. 248)

Those who have studied mathematics much, and no other science, are apt to grow so fond of them, as to believe that there is no certainty in any other ...

Those who have studied mathematics much, and no other science, are apt to grow so fond of them, as to believe that there is no certainty in any other ...

Those who have studied mathematics much, and no other science, are apt to grow so fond of them, as to believe that there is no certainty in any other ...

Those who have studied mathematics much, and no other science, are apt to grow so fond of them, as to believe that there is no certainty in any other ...