James Branch Cabell Quote

"But I can prove it by mathematics, quite irrefutably. I can prove anything you require of me by whatever means you may prefer," said Jurgen, modestly, "for the simple reason that I am a monstrous clever fellow."

Jurgen: A Comedy of Justice, Chapter 32 (p. 236), Robert M. McBride & Company. 1925

But I can prove it by mathematics, quite irrefutably. I can prove anything you require of me by whatever means you may prefer, said Jurgen, modestly, ...

But I can prove it by mathematics, quite irrefutably. I can prove anything you require of me by whatever means you may prefer, said Jurgen, modestly, ...

But I can prove it by mathematics, quite irrefutably. I can prove anything you require of me by whatever means you may prefer, said Jurgen, modestly, ...

But I can prove it by mathematics, quite irrefutably. I can prove anything you require of me by whatever means you may prefer, said Jurgen, modestly, ...