James Branch Cabell Quote

Everywhere in the world people were expecting the latter coming of one or another kickshaw messiah who would remove the discomforts which they themselves were either too lazy or too incompetent to deal with; and nobody had anything whatever to gain with electing for peculiarity among one's fellow creatures and a gloomier outlook.
Even Coth saw that.

Book Five : "Mundus Vult Decepi", Ch. XXVII : Fond Motto of a Patriot - The Silver Stallion (1926)

Everywhere in the world people were expecting the latter coming of one or another kickshaw messiah who would remove the discomforts which they...

Everywhere in the world people were expecting the latter coming of one or another kickshaw messiah who would remove the discomforts which they...

Everywhere in the world people were expecting the latter coming of one or another kickshaw messiah who would remove the discomforts which they...

Everywhere in the world people were expecting the latter coming of one or another kickshaw messiah who would remove the discomforts which they...