James A. Garfield Quote

Nothing touches my heart more quickly than a tribute of honor to a great and noble character; but as I sat in my seat and witnessed this demonstration, this assemblage seemed to me a human ocean in tempest. I have seen the sea lashed into fury and tossed into spray, and its grandeur moves the soul of the dullest man; but I remember that it is not the billows, but the calm level of the sea, from which all heights and depths are measured. When the storm has passed and the hour of calm settles on the ocean, when the sunlight bathes its peaceful surface, then the astronomer and surveyor take the level from which they measure all terrestrial heights and depths.

Speech Nominating John Sherman for President (1880)

Nothing touches my heart more quickly than a tribute of honor to a great and noble character; but as I sat in my seat and witnessed this...

Nothing touches my heart more quickly than a tribute of honor to a great and noble character; but as I sat in my seat and witnessed this...

Nothing touches my heart more quickly than a tribute of honor to a great and noble character; but as I sat in my seat and witnessed this...

Nothing touches my heart more quickly than a tribute of honor to a great and noble character; but as I sat in my seat and witnessed this...