Jack Valenti Quote

On-line service providers and others have a key role to play in freeing cyberspace of the taint of copyright lawlessness. Accountability for copyright violations committed by users is as essential for advancing this indispensable goal.
Who is responsible if a valuable copyrighted work is downloaded from a provider, and then copied on a digital video machine from which thousands of copies can be made, the last copy as pure and pristine as the first? And if no one can be held responsible, then who and what is to prevent the flood that will surely follow? This is a loophole larger than a parade of eight-wheelers through which a dam-busting avalanche of violations can rupture the purpose of your bill every day.

Testimony to the U.S. House of Representatives on copyright immunities for ISPs. (7 February 1996)

On-line service providers and others have a key role to play in freeing cyberspace of the taint of copyright lawlessness. Accountability for...

On-line service providers and others have a key role to play in freeing cyberspace of the taint of copyright lawlessness. Accountability for...