I know that at the time I was confident, I had discovered the formula for squaring the circle; but I resolutely deferred the working of it out until after the examinations. Then I would show them.

John Barleycorn, Chapter XXII (p. 188), Mills & Boon. 1914

I know that at the time I was confident, I had discovered the formula for squaring the circle; but I resolutely deferred the working of it out until...

I know that at the time I was confident, I had discovered the formula for squaring the circle; but I resolutely deferred the working of it out until...

I know that at the time I was confident, I had discovered the formula for squaring the circle; but I resolutely deferred the working of it out until...

I know that at the time I was confident, I had discovered the formula for squaring the circle; but I resolutely deferred the working of it out until...