State censorship presents itself as a bulwark between society and forces of subversion or moral corruption. To dismiss this account of its own motives by the state as insincere would be a mistake: it is a feature of the paranoid logic of the censoring mentality that virtue... must be innocent, and therefore, unless protected, vulnerable to the wiles of vice.

Giving Offense: Essays on Censorship (1996)

State censorship presents itself as a bulwark between society and forces of subversion or moral corruption. To dismiss this account of its own...

State censorship presents itself as a bulwark between society and forces of subversion or moral corruption. To dismiss this account of its own...

State censorship presents itself as a bulwark between society and forces of subversion or moral corruption. To dismiss this account of its own...

State censorship presents itself as a bulwark between society and forces of subversion or moral corruption. To dismiss this account of its own...