Inherent force of matter is the power of resisting by which every body, so far as it is able, perseveres in its state either of resting or of moving uniformly straight forward.

The Principia: Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy (1687), 3rd edition (1726), trans. I. B. Cohen and Anne Whitman (1999), Definition 3

Inherent force of matter is the power of resisting by which every body, so far as it is able, perseveres in its state either of resting or of moving...

Inherent force of matter is the power of resisting by which every body, so far as it is able, perseveres in its state either of resting or of moving...

Inherent force of matter is the power of resisting by which every body, so far as it is able, perseveres in its state either of resting or of moving...

Inherent force of matter is the power of resisting by which every body, so far as it is able, perseveres in its state either of resting or of moving...