Ilana Mercer Quote

The military is government. The military works like government; is financed like government, and sports many of the same inherent malignancies of government, chief of which is its liberalism. Like the government, the military is freighted with pathological political correctness.

Assange is Us,, December 10, 2010.

The military is government. The military works like government; is financed like government, and sports many of the same inherent malignancies of...

The military is government. The military works like government; is financed like government, and sports many of the same inherent malignancies of...

The military is government. The military works like government; is financed like government, and sports many of the same inherent malignancies of...

The military is government. The military works like government; is financed like government, and sports many of the same inherent malignancies of...