We behold indeed, in the motions of the celestial bodies, some effects of [the attraction] that may be call'd more august or pompous. But methinks these little hyperbolas, form'd by a fluid between two glass planes, are not a-whit less fine and curious than the spacious ellipses describ'd by the planets, in the bright expanse of Heaven.

The New Law of Fluids: or, a Discourse Concerning the Ascent of, Liquors, in Exact Geometrical Figures Between Two Nearly Contiguous, Surfaces, to Which Is Added the True State of the Case About Matter's, Thinking (p. 41)

We behold indeed, in the motions of the celestial bodies, some effects of [the attraction] that may be call'd more august or pompous. But methinks...

We behold indeed, in the motions of the celestial bodies, some effects of [the attraction] that may be call'd more august or pompous. But methinks...

We behold indeed, in the motions of the celestial bodies, some effects of [the attraction] that may be call'd more august or pompous. But methinks...

We behold indeed, in the motions of the celestial bodies, some effects of [the attraction] that may be call'd more august or pompous. But methinks...