Astronomy is the most ancient, and the nearest approaching to perfection, of the sciences; yet, relating to the immensity of the universe, how unbounded are the objects of inquiry it presents! And, amongst them, how many grand and abstruse subjects of investigation !

In: John Davy (ed.), The Collected Works of Sir Humphry Davy (Volume 7)

Astronomy is the most ancient, and the nearest approaching to perfection, of the sciences; yet, relating to the immensity of the universe, how...

Astronomy is the most ancient, and the nearest approaching to perfection, of the sciences; yet, relating to the immensity of the universe, how...

Astronomy is the most ancient, and the nearest approaching to perfection, of the sciences; yet, relating to the immensity of the universe, how...

Astronomy is the most ancient, and the nearest approaching to perfection, of the sciences; yet, relating to the immensity of the universe, how...