Humphry Davy Quote

Upon all occasions, when I venture upon a conjecture, you will, I trust, have the goodness to consider it has brought forward, not as an opinion which it would be painful to relinquish, but as a hint which may lead to inquiry.

In: John Davy (ed.), Memoirs of the Life of Sir Humphry Davy (Volume 1)

Upon all occasions, when I venture upon a conjecture, you will, I trust, have the goodness to consider it has brought forward, not as an opinion...

Upon all occasions, when I venture upon a conjecture, you will, I trust, have the goodness to consider it has brought forward, not as an opinion...

Upon all occasions, when I venture upon a conjecture, you will, I trust, have the goodness to consider it has brought forward, not as an opinion...

Upon all occasions, when I venture upon a conjecture, you will, I trust, have the goodness to consider it has brought forward, not as an opinion...