Hugh Prather Quote

Fears, indecision, and frustration feed on words. Without words they usually stop.... Words are at times good for looking back, but they are confining when I need to act in the present.

Notes to Myself (ed. Bantam, 1983) - ISBN: 9780553257656

Fears, indecision, and frustration feed on words. Without words they usually stop.... Words are at times good for looking back, but they are...

Fears, indecision, and frustration feed on words. Without words they usually stop.... Words are at times good for looking back, but they are...

Fears, indecision, and frustration feed on words. Without words they usually stop.... Words are at times good for looking back, but they are...

Fears, indecision, and frustration feed on words. Without words they usually stop.... Words are at times good for looking back, but they are...