It must not be supposed that I would pass off these trifling anecdotes of myself and others for a history of England. But they contain that most useful part of all history, a picture of human minds. They show how little men are, though riding at what is called the Top of the World.

Memoirs of the Reign of King George III, Vol. II (1845 edition), p. 9-10

It must not be supposed that I would pass off these trifling anecdotes of myself and others for a history of England. But they contain that most...

It must not be supposed that I would pass off these trifling anecdotes of myself and others for a history of England. But they contain that most...

It must not be supposed that I would pass off these trifling anecdotes of myself and others for a history of England. But they contain that most...

It must not be supposed that I would pass off these trifling anecdotes of myself and others for a history of England. But they contain that most...