Herbert Marcuse Quote

The technical apparatus of production and distribution (with an increasing sector of automation) functions, not as the sum-total of mere instruments which can be isolated from their social and political effects, but rather as a system which determines a priori the product of the apparatus as well as the operations of servicing and extending it. In this society, the productive apparatus tends to become totalitarian to the extent to which it determines not only the socially needed occupations, skills, and attitudes, but also individual needs and aspirations. It thus obliterates the Opposition between the private and public existence, between individual and social needs.

p. xv - One-Dimensional Man (1964)

The technical apparatus of production and distribution (with an increasing sector of automation) functions, not as the sum-total of mere instruments...

The technical apparatus of production and distribution (with an increasing sector of automation) functions, not as the sum-total of mere instruments...

The technical apparatus of production and distribution (with an increasing sector of automation) functions, not as the sum-total of mere instruments...

The technical apparatus of production and distribution (with an increasing sector of automation) functions, not as the sum-total of mere instruments...