It is too narrow an understanding of production which confines it merely to the making of things. Production includes not merely the making of things, but the bringing of them to the consumer. The merchant or storekeeper is thus as truly a producer as is the manufacturer, or farmer, and his stock or capital is as much devoted to production as is theirs.

Book I, Ch. 2. - Progress and Poverty (1879)

It is too narrow an understanding of production which confines it merely to the making of things. Production includes not merely the making of...

It is too narrow an understanding of production which confines it merely to the making of things. Production includes not merely the making of...

It is too narrow an understanding of production which confines it merely to the making of things. Production includes not merely the making of...

It is too narrow an understanding of production which confines it merely to the making of things. Production includes not merely the making of...