Henry Adams Quote

... the American people seemed to have no clearer idea than they. Indeed, the American people had no idea at all; they were wandering in a wilderness much more sandy than the Hebrews had ever trodden about Sinai; they had neither serpents nor golden calves to worship. They had lost the sense of worship; for the idea that they worshipped money seemed a delusion. Worship of money was an old-world trait; a healthy appetite akin to worship of the Gods, or to worship of power in any concrete shape; but the American wasted money more recklessly than any one ever did before; he spent more to less purpose than any extravagant court aristocracy; he had no sense of relative values, and knew not what to do with his money when he got it

The Education of Henry Adams (1907)

The American people seemed to have no clearer idea than they. Indeed, the American people had no idea at all; they were wandering in a wilderness...

The American people seemed to have no clearer idea than they. Indeed, the American people had no idea at all; they were wandering in a wilderness...

The American people seemed to have no clearer idea than they. Indeed, the American people had no idea at all; they were wandering in a wilderness...

The American people seemed to have no clearer idea than they. Indeed, the American people had no idea at all; they were wandering in a wilderness...