Tho' Doubt's beleaguering forces hem us in,
Yet Truth upon the Serpent's head shall trample.
The cause of Love shall win —

Falk, Act III - Love's Comedy (1862)

Tho' Doubt's beleaguering forces hem us in, Yet Truth upon the Serpent's head shall trample. The cause of Love shall win —

Tho' Doubt's beleaguering forces hem us in, Yet Truth upon the Serpent's head shall trample. The cause of Love shall win —

Tho' Doubt's beleaguering forces hem us in, Yet Truth upon the Serpent's head shall trample. The cause of Love shall win —

Tho' Doubt's beleaguering forces hem us in, Yet Truth upon the Serpent's head shall trample. The cause of Love shall win —