Men of genius supply the substance of history, while the mass of men are but the critical filter, the limiting, slackening, passive force needed for the modification of ideas supplied by genius.

Amiel's Journal: The Journal Intime of Henri-Frédéric Amiel; Tr., with an Introduction and Notes (ed. 1893)

Men of genius supply the substance of history, while the mass of men are but the critical filter, the limiting, slackening, passive force needed for...

Men of genius supply the substance of history, while the mass of men are but the critical filter, the limiting, slackening, passive force needed for...

Men of genius supply the substance of history, while the mass of men are but the critical filter, the limiting, slackening, passive force needed for...

Men of genius supply the substance of history, while the mass of men are but the critical filter, the limiting, slackening, passive force needed for...