Helen Bevington Quote

It seems an odd idea to my students that poetry, like all art, leads us away from itself, back to the world in which we live. It furnishes the vision. It shows with intense clarity what is already there.

When Found, Make a Verse of (ed. 1961)

It seems an odd idea to my students that poetry, like all art, leads us away from itself, back to the world in which we live. It furnishes the...

It seems an odd idea to my students that poetry, like all art, leads us away from itself, back to the world in which we live. It furnishes the...

It seems an odd idea to my students that poetry, like all art, leads us away from itself, back to the world in which we live. It furnishes the...

It seems an odd idea to my students that poetry, like all art, leads us away from itself, back to the world in which we live. It furnishes the...