No company has a permanent consumer franchise. No one has the only game in town. The never-ending cycle of destruction and change inherent in a capitalist economy always provides new opportunities for those with determination, goals and concentration.

Swim with the Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive (ed. Ballantine Books, 1996) - ISBN: 9780449911488

No company has a permanent consumer franchise. No one has the only game in town. The never-ending cycle of destruction and change inherent in a...

No company has a permanent consumer franchise. No one has the only game in town. The never-ending cycle of destruction and change inherent in a...

No company has a permanent consumer franchise. No one has the only game in town. The never-ending cycle of destruction and change inherent in a...

No company has a permanent consumer franchise. No one has the only game in town. The never-ending cycle of destruction and change inherent in a...