After first seeing the light and feeling the power and hearing the voice, one will not at once pass into the realm of soul. He will live many lives on earth, and in each life will walk silently and unknown over the path of forms until his selfless action shall cause the realm of soul again to open out from within when he will again receive the selfless love, the living power, and the silent wisdom. Then he will follow the deathless ones who have travelled before on the deathless path of Consciousness.

The Word Magazine (1904-1917)

After first seeing the light and feeling the power and hearing the voice, one will not at once pass into the realm of soul. He will live many lives...

After first seeing the light and feeling the power and hearing the voice, one will not at once pass into the realm of soul. He will live many lives...

After first seeing the light and feeling the power and hearing the voice, one will not at once pass into the realm of soul. He will live many lives...

After first seeing the light and feeling the power and hearing the voice, one will not at once pass into the realm of soul. He will live many lives...