Gustav Stresemann Quote

I hope that you will be in agreement with me when I be you to do everything possible to prevent Hindenburg's retirement. We must under no circumstances bear the responsibility before the bar of history for having overthrown Hindenburg. I feel that even the abdication of the Kaiser would be easier to bear than the retirement of Hindenburg.

Letter to the Chief of the National Liberal Part in Prussia, quoted in W. M. Knight-Patterson, Germany. From Defeat to Conquest 1913-1933 (London: George Allen and Unwin, 1945), p. 208, n. 2.

I hope that you will be in agreement with me when I be you to do everything possible to prevent Hindenburg's retirement. We must under no...

I hope that you will be in agreement with me when I be you to do everything possible to prevent Hindenburg's retirement. We must under no...

I hope that you will be in agreement with me when I be you to do everything possible to prevent Hindenburg's retirement. We must under no...

I hope that you will be in agreement with me when I be you to do everything possible to prevent Hindenburg's retirement. We must under no...