Pride has no intrinsic substance, being no more than the name given to the soul devouring itself. When that loathsome perversion of love has borne its fruit, it has another, more meaningful and weightier name. We call it hatred.

p.156 - L'imposture (The Impostor), 1927

Pride has no intrinsic substance, being no more than the name given to the soul devouring itself. When that loathsome perversion of love has borne...

Pride has no intrinsic substance, being no more than the name given to the soul devouring itself. When that loathsome perversion of love has borne...

Pride has no intrinsic substance, being no more than the name given to the soul devouring itself. When that loathsome perversion of love has borne...

Pride has no intrinsic substance, being no more than the name given to the soul devouring itself. When that loathsome perversion of love has borne...