Up to this time the argument of the abolitionists, who since 1833 had been storming the national conscience — for they knew the real citadel of a nation — with the assertion that slavery was an absolute wrong, had been met by the reply, 'Yes, yes; we know all about that. Of course it's a great wrong. The South agrees to that. It's dreadful sorry about it — but it's got the nasty thing, and it says if we'll only let it alone it will settle itself. Slavery is one of those things that work out themselves. The more you talk the worse it is. Besides, it's their own affair; we've nothing to do with it. Let 'em alone! Let 'em alone!'

The Present Aspect of the Slavery Question (1859)

Up to this time the argument of the abolitionists, who since 1833 had been storming the national conscience — for they knew the real citadel of a...

Up to this time the argument of the abolitionists, who since 1833 had been storming the national conscience — for they knew the real citadel of a...

Up to this time the argument of the abolitionists, who since 1833 had been storming the national conscience — for they knew the real citadel of a...

Up to this time the argument of the abolitionists, who since 1833 had been storming the national conscience — for they knew the real citadel of a...