George Stigler Quote

Early in my professional life, I found that many areas of economics attracted me. I started working and publishing in price theory by 1938. In 1946, I published an early work on linear programming (The Cost of Subsistence) which solved the problem only approximately; George Dantzig soon presented the exact solution. In the 1940s, I began empirical work on price theory, starting with a test of the kinked oligopoly demand curve theory of rigid prices.

"George J. Stigler - Biographical," 1982

Early in my professional life, I found that many areas of economics attracted me. I started working and publishing in price theory by 1938. In 1946,...

Early in my professional life, I found that many areas of economics attracted me. I started working and publishing in price theory by 1938. In 1946,...

Early in my professional life, I found that many areas of economics attracted me. I started working and publishing in price theory by 1938. In 1946,...

Early in my professional life, I found that many areas of economics attracted me. I started working and publishing in price theory by 1938. In 1946,...