The new pornographers subvert this last, vital privacy; they do our imagining for us. They take away the words that were of the night and shout them over the roof-tops, making them hollow.

"Night Words," Encounter (October 1965). - Language and Silence: Essays 1958-1966 (1967)

The new pornographers subvert this last, vital privacy; they do our imagining for us. They take away the words that were of the night and shout them...

The new pornographers subvert this last, vital privacy; they do our imagining for us. They take away the words that were of the night and shout them...

The new pornographers subvert this last, vital privacy; they do our imagining for us. They take away the words that were of the night and shout them...

The new pornographers subvert this last, vital privacy; they do our imagining for us. They take away the words that were of the night and shout them...