In forty hours I shall be in battle, with little information, and on the spur of the moment will have to make the most momentous decisions. But I believe that one's spirit enlarges with responsibility and that, with God's help, I shall make them, and make them right.

War as I Knew it (ed. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 1995) - ISBN: 9780395735299

In forty hours I shall be in battle, with little information, and on the spur of the moment will have to make the most momentous decisions. But I...

In forty hours I shall be in battle, with little information, and on the spur of the moment will have to make the most momentous decisions. But I...

In forty hours I shall be in battle, with little information, and on the spur of the moment will have to make the most momentous decisions. But I...

In forty hours I shall be in battle, with little information, and on the spur of the moment will have to make the most momentous decisions. But I...