George Otis Smith Quote

Statistics need to be much more than the output of a battery of adding machines. The ideal collection of facts is the man who has spent years as a specialist in the work and in this way knows the reality behind the words and figures. Only the personal touch that comes from intimate familiarity with facts at their source can give life to statistics.

What are the Facts?, Civil Engineering, Volume 2, Number 3, March 1932 (p. 154)

Statistics need to be much more than the output of a battery of adding machines. The ideal collection of facts is the man who has spent years as a...

Statistics need to be much more than the output of a battery of adding machines. The ideal collection of facts is the man who has spent years as a...

Statistics need to be much more than the output of a battery of adding machines. The ideal collection of facts is the man who has spent years as a...

Statistics need to be much more than the output of a battery of adding machines. The ideal collection of facts is the man who has spent years as a...