George Orwell Quote

[A] world in which it is wrong to murder an individual civilian and right to drop a thousand tons of high explosive on a residential area does sometimes make me wonder whether this earth of ours is not a loony bin made use of by some other planet. Not to have a national anthem would be logical.

The Collected Essays, Journalism, and Letters of George Orwell: As I please, 1943-1945 (ed. 1968)

[A] world in which it is wrong to murder an individual civilian and right to drop a thousand tons of high explosive on a residential area does...

[A] world in which it is wrong to murder an individual civilian and right to drop a thousand tons of high explosive on a residential area does...

[A] world in which it is wrong to murder an individual civilian and right to drop a thousand tons of high explosive on a residential area does...

[A] world in which it is wrong to murder an individual civilian and right to drop a thousand tons of high explosive on a residential area does...