I have endeavoured, in the following treatise, to convey as complete an account of the present state of knowledge on the subject of Differential Equations, as was consistent with the idea of a work intended, primarily, for elementary instruction. It was my object, first of all, to meet the wants of those who had no previous acquaintance with the subject, but I also desired not quite to disappoint others who might seek for more v advanced information. These distinct, but not inconsistent - aims determined the plan of composition.

p. v; Lead paragraph of the preface - A treatise on differential equations (1859)

I have endeavoured, in the following treatise, to convey as complete an account of the present state of knowledge on the subject of Differential...

I have endeavoured, in the following treatise, to convey as complete an account of the present state of knowledge on the subject of Differential...

I have endeavoured, in the following treatise, to convey as complete an account of the present state of knowledge on the subject of Differential...

I have endeavoured, in the following treatise, to convey as complete an account of the present state of knowledge on the subject of Differential...