I had patience with them for many ages: they tried me very sorely. They did terrible things: they embraced death, and said that eternal life was a fable. I stood amazed at the malice and destructiveness of the things I had made...

Lilith, in Pt. V - Back to Methuselah (1921)

I had patience with them for many ages: they tried me very sorely. They did terrible things: they embraced death, and said that eternal life was a...

I had patience with them for many ages: they tried me very sorely. They did terrible things: they embraced death, and said that eternal life was a...

I had patience with them for many ages: they tried me very sorely. They did terrible things: they embraced death, and said that eternal life was a...

I had patience with them for many ages: they tried me very sorely. They did terrible things: they embraced death, and said that eternal life was a...