Every moment of time dictated and determined the following moment, and was itself dictated and determined by the moment that came before it. Everything was calculable: everything happened because it must; the commandments were erased from the tables of the law; and in their place came the cosmic algebra: the equations of the mathematicians.

Too True to Be Good, illage Wooing and On the Rocks - Too True to Be Good: A Political Extravaganza - Act III, Constable & Company Ltd. 1934

Every moment of time dictated and determined the following moment, and was itself dictated and determined by the moment that came before it....

Every moment of time dictated and determined the following moment, and was itself dictated and determined by the moment that came before it....

Every moment of time dictated and determined the following moment, and was itself dictated and determined by the moment that came before it....

Every moment of time dictated and determined the following moment, and was itself dictated and determined by the moment that came before it....