As for the mathematical infinite, to the extent that it has found a justified application in science and contributed to is usefulness, it seems to me that it has hitherto appeared principally in the role of a variable quantity, which either grows beyond all bounds or diminishes to any desired minuteness, but always remains finite. I call this the improper infinite [das Uneigentlich-unendliche].

From Kant to Hilbert (1996)

As for the mathematical infinite, to the extent that it has found a justified application in science and contributed to is usefulness, it seems to me ...

As for the mathematical infinite, to the extent that it has found a justified application in science and contributed to is usefulness, it seems to me ...

As for the mathematical infinite, to the extent that it has found a justified application in science and contributed to is usefulness, it seems to me ...

As for the mathematical infinite, to the extent that it has found a justified application in science and contributed to is usefulness, it seems to me ...