Geoffrey Chaucer Quote

Upon his shuldres wynges hadde he two;
And blynd he was, as it is often seene;
A bowe he bar and arwes brighte and kene.

The Canterbury Tales. The Knight's Tale, l. 1963

Cupido, Upon his shuldres wynges hadde he two; And blynd he was, as it is often seene; A bowe he bar and arwes brighte and kene.

Cupido, Upon his shuldres wynges hadde he two; And blynd he was, as it is often seene; A bowe he bar and arwes brighte and kene.

Cupido, Upon his shuldres wynges hadde he two; And blynd he was, as it is often seene; A bowe he bar and arwes brighte and kene.

Cupido, Upon his shuldres wynges hadde he two; And blynd he was, as it is often seene; A bowe he bar and arwes brighte and kene.