Love wol nat been constreyned by maistrye.
When maistrie comth, the God of Love anon
Beteth his wynges, and farewel, he is gon!
Love is a thyng as any spirit free.

The Canterbury Tales 'The Franklin's Tale' l. 764

Love wol nat been constreyned by maistrye. When maistrie comth, the God of Love anon Beteth his wynges, and farewel, he is gon! Love is a thyng as...

Love wol nat been constreyned by maistrye. When maistrie comth, the God of Love anon Beteth his wynges, and farewel, he is gon! Love is a thyng as...

Love wol nat been constreyned by maistrye. When maistrie comth, the God of Love anon Beteth his wynges, and farewel, he is gon! Love is a thyng as...

Love wol nat been constreyned by maistrye. When maistrie comth, the God of Love anon Beteth his wynges, and farewel, he is gon! Love is a thyng as...