That mathematics, in common with other art forms, can lead us beyond ordinary existence, and can show us something of the structure in which all creation hangs together, is no new idea. But mathematical texts generally begin the story somewhere in the middle, leaving the reader to pick up the thread as best he can.

Laws of Form, A Note on the Mathematical Approach (p. v)

That mathematics, in common with other art forms, can lead us beyond ordinary existence, and can show us something of the structure in which all...

That mathematics, in common with other art forms, can lead us beyond ordinary existence, and can show us something of the structure in which all...

That mathematics, in common with other art forms, can lead us beyond ordinary existence, and can show us something of the structure in which all...

That mathematics, in common with other art forms, can lead us beyond ordinary existence, and can show us something of the structure in which all...