Friedrich Stadler Quote

Many innovations of current history and philosophy of science were, in fact, anticipated in Neurath's oeuvre. The rediscovery of Neurath was therefore not merely a phenomenon of academic nostalgia, but itself constitutes research into the conditions and possibilities of changing a paradigm in the philosophy of science.

Friedrich Stadler (1996). "Otto Neurath—encyclopedia and utopia." In: E. Nemeth & F. Stadler (Eds.). Encyclopedia and utopia: The life and work of Otto Neurath (1882–1945), Boston: Kluwer. Stadler, 1996, p. 3

Many innovations of current history and philosophy of science were, in fact, anticipated in Neurath's oeuvre. The rediscovery of Neurath was...

Many innovations of current history and philosophy of science were, in fact, anticipated in Neurath's oeuvre. The rediscovery of Neurath was...

Many innovations of current history and philosophy of science were, in fact, anticipated in Neurath's oeuvre. The rediscovery of Neurath was...

Many innovations of current history and philosophy of science were, in fact, anticipated in Neurath's oeuvre. The rediscovery of Neurath was...