We have in the spinal cord the antetype (Vorbild) and the foundation for the entire structure of the brain.

'Handbuch der Anatomie des Menschen mit besonderer Rücksicht auf Physiologie und praktische Medicin' (1851), Vol. 2, 682. Trans. Edwin Clarke and L. S. Jacyna, Nineteenth Century Origins of Neuroscientific Concepts (1987)

We have in the spinal cord the antetype (Vorbild) and the foundation for the entire structure of the brain.

We have in the spinal cord the antetype (Vorbild) and the foundation for the entire structure of the brain.

We have in the spinal cord the antetype (Vorbild) and the foundation for the entire structure of the brain.

We have in the spinal cord the antetype (Vorbild) and the foundation for the entire structure of the brain.