Fred Emery Quote

The next level of causal texturing we have called the disturbed reactive environment. It may be compared with Ashby's ultra-stable system or the economists' oligopolic market.

p. 29. - The Causal Texture of Organizational Environments (1963)

The next level of causal texturing we have called the disturbed reactive environment. It may be compared with Ashby's ultra-stable system or the...

The next level of causal texturing we have called the disturbed reactive environment. It may be compared with Ashby's ultra-stable system or the...

The next level of causal texturing we have called the disturbed reactive environment. It may be compared with Ashby's ultra-stable system or the...

The next level of causal texturing we have called the disturbed reactive environment. It may be compared with Ashby's ultra-stable system or the...