Facts, and facts alone, are the foundation of science...When one devotes oneself to experimental research it is in order to augment the sum of known facts, or to discover their mutual relations.

Précis élémentaire de Physiologie (1816), ii. Trans. J. M. D. Olmsted, François Magendie: Pioneer in Experimental Physiology and Scientific Medicine in XIX Century France (1944)

Facts, and facts alone, are the foundation of science...When one devotes oneself to experimental research it is in order to augment the sum of known...

Facts, and facts alone, are the foundation of science...When one devotes oneself to experimental research it is in order to augment the sum of known...

Facts, and facts alone, are the foundation of science...When one devotes oneself to experimental research it is in order to augment the sum of known...

Facts, and facts alone, are the foundation of science...When one devotes oneself to experimental research it is in order to augment the sum of known...