Frank Wilczek Quote

Different ways of writing the same equation can suggest very different things, even if they are logically equivalent.... In Einstein's original 1905 paper, you do not find the equation E = mc2. What you find is m = E/c2.... the title of the paper is a question: "Does the Inertia of a Body Depend on Its Energy Content?" …If we can explain mass in terms of energy, we'll be improving our description of the world. We'll need fewer ingrediants in our world-recipe.

Ch. 3, p. 19. - The Lightness of Being – Mass, Ether and the Unification of Forces (2008)

Different ways of writing the same equation can suggest very different things, even if they are logically equivalent.... In Einstein's original 1905...

Different ways of writing the same equation can suggest very different things, even if they are logically equivalent.... In Einstein's original 1905...

Different ways of writing the same equation can suggest very different things, even if they are logically equivalent.... In Einstein's original 1905...

Different ways of writing the same equation can suggest very different things, even if they are logically equivalent.... In Einstein's original 1905...