Frank R. Wallace Quote

The major enemy of poker players is their rationalizations for their failures to think.... Many poor players evade thinking by letting their minds sink into irrational fogs. Their belief in luck short-circuits their minds by excusing them from their responsibility to think. Belief in luck is a great mystical rationalization for the refusal to think.

Wallace, Frank R. Poker: A Guaranteed Income for Life by Using the Advanced Concepts of Poker. Quoted in A Friendly Game of Poker by Ira Glass and Jake Austen, Chicago Review Press, 2003, page 210

The major enemy of poker players is their rationalizations for their failures to think.... Many poor players evade thinking by letting their minds...

The major enemy of poker players is their rationalizations for their failures to think.... Many poor players evade thinking by letting their minds...

The major enemy of poker players is their rationalizations for their failures to think.... Many poor players evade thinking by letting their minds...

The major enemy of poker players is their rationalizations for their failures to think.... Many poor players evade thinking by letting their minds...