"… the National Football League needs "a guardian, not a CEO" to deal with the fact that "the sport is simply more and more identified with violence, both in its inherent nature and in its savage personnel."

White House Honors For Frank Deford, Joan Didion & Others. Morning Edition. National Public Radio (2013-07-10). Retrieved on 2013-07-10.

… the National Football League needs a guardian, not a CEO to deal with the fact that the sport is simply more and more identified with violence,...

… the National Football League needs a guardian, not a CEO to deal with the fact that the sport is simply more and more identified with violence,...

… the National Football League needs a guardian, not a CEO to deal with the fact that the sport is simply more and more identified with violence,...

… the National Football League needs a guardian, not a CEO to deal with the fact that the sport is simply more and more identified with violence,...