You white women speak here of rights. I speak of wrongs. I as a colored woman have had in this country an education which has made me feel as if I were in the situation of Ishmael, my hands against every man, and every man's hand against me.

We Are All Bound Up Together

You white women speak here of rights. I speak of wrongs. I as a colored woman have had in this country an education which has made me feel as if I...

You white women speak here of rights. I speak of wrongs. I as a colored woman have had in this country an education which has made me feel as if I...

You white women speak here of rights. I speak of wrongs. I as a colored woman have had in this country an education which has made me feel as if I...

You white women speak here of rights. I speak of wrongs. I as a colored woman have had in this country an education which has made me feel as if I...